Monday, September 13, 2010

Why I Believe in the Supernatural #21

By Jane McKinney

My Story begins in 2004. My name is Jane McKinney and my husband Rick and I had been traveling in full-time evangelism for about 3 years. He came to me one day in early fall and said, “I believe God wants us to walk across America”. This didn’t shock me as it would most wives. He’s always been a dreamer but never anything this unconventional before. I had to be sure this was from God. We were in our 50’s, not athletic and, well, there were lots of reasons why this wouldn’t work.

After much prayer, soul searching, and researching, we decided that in 2006 we would walk across America. Rick had been preaching in revivals about how Christians need to reclaim America. He had read one day in Joshua 1 how God said to Joshua that every place he put the sole of his foot he could claim for God, so that’s what we were going to do.

We spent most of 2005 in preparation for the walk. We trained physically, gathered information about clothing, shoes, climate, routes, etc. We laid out the route: LA to Washington DC. We would leave Santa Monica Pier on January 1st and travel old Route 66 to Oklahoma City, then the I-40 corridor across the rest of OK, Arkansas and Tennessee. Then at Bristol, TN head north on St Rte 11, take 211 East at New Market, Virginia and into DC. We planned to arrive on July 4, 2006.

I don’t have space to tell you 6 months of stories, struggles, and triumphs. But I need to tell you that my faith in God was solidified more than ever before in that 6 months! In the 1500 miles we walked in 2005 in training I never got one blister. By the second week of the walk my feet were covered! I had blisters between my toes, the sides and bottoms of my feet and my heels. I was determined to finish, but just putting socks on was excruciating. But I would pray and take that first tentative step, then another and complete 20 miles. That was God, not Jane McKinney! When we walked across that bridge from Arlington, VA into Washington DC on July 4, 2006 I knew who my God was and what I could do with His strength.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Why I Believe in the Supernatural #20

by Michael Register

One Sunday morning in church, during worship, the presence of God was very strong and I had the urge to kneel before him. It wasn't uncommon for me to do this, and it wasn't out of place at all. I was about to kneel when very clearly I heard, "wait".

Puzzled, I began to speak to God in my mind, "Is this You? Why would I wait?" Silence.

I began to think, "I can't kneel right now so I'll raise my arms. As I began to lift my arms into the air again I heard, "wait".

Nothing like this had happened before so I decided to wait, albeit a little frustrated.

Just then my eleven year old son dropped to his knees beside me. He raised his arms into the air and I could see his eyes were closed. I couldn't help but cry. My little boy was following the leading of God on his own.

He later told me that in those fateful minutes he had felt like God wanted him to kneel but was scared. Normally he would join me in whatever I was doing, kneeling or raising my arms, but I wasn't doing anything. Several minutes passed before he was able to get up the nerve to do it, since I wasn't doing it. Once he heard my side of the story he knew it really was God speaking to him, while asking me to wait.

God gave an eleven year old a sign post that day. Something he could look back to and say "I followed my God, I can hear His voice and I was obedient. I can do it again."

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #19

By Pamela

In 1984 Amy Grant's "Angels (Watching Over Me)" was a popular song on the Christian airwaves - possibly because it struck a note with so many people who had experienced unexplained near misses in their lives.

Later, after the collapse of the World Trade Center towers, I heard numerous tales of people who normally would have been there but because of heavy traffic, oversleeping, or other delays, they escaped death on September 11. In my own life, I couldn't begin to enumerate the near misses my family or I have had over the years. Were angels watching over us? I would like to think so.

Several years ago on an evening in the late fall, my two children and I were driving down the highway at the fifty-five mph speed limit on our way to choir practice and children's activities at our church. Suddenly I heard a distinct voice in my head that told me to move to the left lane. There was no other traffic nearby so I mentally argued with the voice at the same time I obeyed it. About that time I noticed an eighteen wheeler parked parallel to the edge of the highway. As I drew close to the truck, the driver stepped out the door, missed the step and fell backwards into the highway - right where I would have driven if I had not changed lanes. As I passed, I saw him get up and walk away so I didn't stop. I have always regretted that because it might have been an opportunity to witness to the man.

I don't know what might have happened if I hadn't changed lanes. I probably would have run over the truck driver or lost control of my small car. Were angels watching over the truck driver, my children and me that night? Was the voice I heard the Holy Spirit? I will always believe it was. I know I will never forget the experience.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Why I Believe in the Supernatural #18

By Suzanne Simpson
Jason, do you remember the missing straight pin? You were 5 , your sister and brother were 3 and 2 years old.

I had used it to hang something on the wall. Why did I do that? Not very bright, I know. You needed whatever “it” was and pulled it from the wall. The pin was gone. I was ticked and didn't want to find it via the bottom of my foot. I scolded you lightly and told you to find it. We all looked. It did not show up. After all it was pretty small and there was a lot of area to look around. I decided to put the responsibility on you and God. I told you that you needed to pray and ask God to show you where it was. We all prayed and you asked God to show you where it was. Amen!

"God said it was in the toy box. I need to empty everything out. He's pointing into the corner." You said.

I helped you to carefully pull most of the toys out of the box. I even pushed stuff around for a clear view. It was not there, I looked.

"Mom, God said to take everything out." You said.

"Well, Jason, this is your problem. If God said ... then you do what he said." I walked away to let him handle this. I didn't want to get frustrated, I wanted God to show himself to this boy. Someday he would need to remember this story.

"Mom! Mom! I found it! I took everything out of the box like God said and there it was lying in the corner, right where He was pointing!" You shouted while running to find me and show off your treasure .

Love, your mom, Suzanne

I kept this trophy of yours. Priceless!

Another proof that God speaks to you and you know how to hear his voice.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #17

by Craig Elliot

My personal spiritual journey began at age seven.

I can still remember vividly spending the afternoon at my grandparent’s place. Walking across the front yard, I passed by the dogwood tree that my grandfather had planted; the one he defied anyone to touch. A feeling of euphoria struck me, an overwhelming sense of pure happiness and goodness. I was walking on clouds, that everyone was wonderful in their own way, much more so than is normally seen through even a child’s eyes. I kept it to myself, which is my nature, and went about my business.

A month or so later I was at school, third grade homeroom. Out of nowhere a feeling swept across me that was much different than the previous encounter. I decided to be the stereotypical rebellious, obnoxious kid. I don’t recall all that I did, other than getting out of line in the hall, which was quite an offense in those days. The spirit in me was different, and it happened instantaneous, just like the visitation a month before. I ended up staying after school that day, and I never could explain to my parents what had happened. Something changed forever that day; the innocence was gone, and for the first time I had to consciously make decisions that would affect my life and others.

Fast forward to the age of twenty. As I walked down the sidewalk of an old strip mall in my hometown, an old, hunchback, scraggly looking old woman approached me, oblivious to the many shoppers close by. She fixed her eyes on me, and asked, “Are you a Christian?” in a bold tone that left no doubt she was unashamed. Although my beliefs at the time weren’t more than a casual acceptance, I said “Yes, I am.”

She silently nodded her head yes, smiled, and walked away. I turned into the door to the tag office, and as I walked in, I looked back. She was gone. Nothing to step behind, and no where she could have gone quickly, but she was gone.

A test of faith, even when my faith was anything but unfailing.

The good vs. bad war has raged within me ever since, although the good has generally come out ahead. The bad seems to be in my mind, not in action. I suppose I’ve taken the higher road.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #16

by Tina McLain

I have felt the hand of God. It was about 15 years ago, I had just gone through a very controlling and abusive relationship. I lost everyone of my friends and wasn't in contact with my family because of this guy so I was feeling very alone and distraught. My girls were 2 years old and 4 years old, and they were the only part of my life that meant anything to me. So one day they were taking naps and I was sitting outside at a table smoking a cigerette and just lost it. I crying so hard I couldn't breathe. I started praying to God that I was done and couldn't do it any more I needed him so badly or I was going to end things. I really needed to know He was there. I stopped crying and started just staring out at nothing, All of a sudden I felt this peace come over me and I felt a hand on my left shoulder and I looked down and there was this kinda glowing hand there and I felt so comforted right then and there and I knew it was Gods, He had answered me and shown me a part of himself. I will never in my lifetime forget that. God is always with us. I had never been baptised and so the very next day I went to a church and asked to be baptised and was. I thank God every day.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why I Believe in the Supernatural #15

My Mom
By Karen Lockinger Greenberg

      My belief in the spiritual world, and its power over those of us on Earth, was cemented during an event in my teenage years. My mom and I had been fighting, and there never seemed to be a time in which we were at peace. I wanted the fighting to stop, and I’m sure she did, too.

     One night I went to bed, having had a long day of teenage moodiness and arguments with my parents. Sometime in the middle of the night, my mom appeared in my bedroom. She was standing at the end of my bed, not saying a word. The air around us was different, in a way that I can’t quite describe. It seemed almost smoky in my bedroom, and it was hard to see clearly.

     For several minutes my mom stood at the foot of my bed. She looked at me, and I could feel the love she held for me. She never said a word. Curiously, neither did I. Mom eventually left my bedroom and walked into her own. I put my head on my pillow, closed my eyes, and slept more deeply than I had in weeks. The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face rather than the usual scowl everyone had become accustomed to.

     Mom and I never talked about her visit to my room, and for a short time our relationship was better. Her visit didn‘t change everything, but a simple smile can mean the difference between acceptance and rejection. A loving gaze can mean the world to a girl just looking to fit in.

     Several weeks later I was reading a book about spirits, and it dawned on me that the visit from my mom wasn’t one that occurred in the natural world. This was a special visit. Her soul communicated with mine in a way I would never forget. The book explained that sometimes when something needs to be said it can’t always be vocalized. The soul, however, can’t let it go unsaid if it is that important. I will never forget the night that my mom told me, heart to heart, that I WAS worth all the trouble we were going through and that I will always be loved.

     For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Why I Believe in the Supernatural #14

By Matthew Eldridge

THE CHRISTMAS ANGEL (This really happened to me!) (396 Words!)

My wife and I were waiting at the light on the very busy three lane road. We both looked to the right of us and had a good laugh. There was a tiny gold car with a huge Christmas tree atop of it. The driver was an overweight woman who was too large for the small car. It was just odd and stuck out to us.

As the light turned green, I punched the gas and left the tiny, gold, Christmas tree toting car in the dust. We were alone as we swerved through the “S” shape of the road around 60 mph.

I looked down for a second, and when I looked up, I saw brake lights tapping right in front of me in a rapid motion, forcing me to slam on the brakes, while swerving around a blind corner. Strangely, it was the tiny gold car again. Finally, the driver forced us to a stop, and what I saw blew my mind.

Just around the last curve was a car that had flipped several times, upside down, and taking up the two right lanes. In the third lane was a body of a young man badly injured - who had been thrown from his car. Had not the woman in the gold car mystically appeared and forced us to slow down, I would have either hit the man’s car, or more than likely, swerved to miss the car and run over him.

The woman got out of her car and walked over to the young man and began ministering to him. Within seconds, emergency vehicles swarmed the scene, all three cars blocked in from the front, back, and sides by medical vehicles. While a helicopter came and took the young man away, police officers came to my wife and I to get a report. I was going to refer him to the woman in the gold car, and as I looked up, THERE WAS NO GOLD CAR. I asked the police officer about it and he kept responding that there was no other car, and they never saw the woman I described. She had vanished into thin air.

It occurred to us that this woman not only saved us from a nasty accident, but she saved the life of that man. Only, she didn’t really exist.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #13

By Josie Siler

I have been overseas several times and I have experienced the spiritual realm in different ways. However, one of the most memorable experiences did not take place overseas, but in the state of Iowa. I had just graduated from college and moved into an apartment with a friend. Our place was on the upper level of a house with tenants below us and next to us.

At first it was great. We loved having our own place without all the rules of a dorm room. However, we soon began to have trouble sleeping and had bad dreams. I remember one night in particular my roommate was in the living room watching yet another movie because she couldn’t sleep. I was awake and restless. All of a sudden it felt as if I was being strangled – yet no one was in the room. I knew immediately that it was a spiritual attack and if I said the name of Jesus I would be okay. I tried to speak, but no words would come. It felt as though my jaw had been wired shut. I was filled with the fear that I wouldn’t be able to speak Jesus’ name and that the attack would continue. I prayed silently and was able to just breathe the name of Jesus. Immediately it was gone and I could breathe.

The next day I told my roommate what had happened and we went to my friend’s dad who was a pastor. We knew we needed to pray more than what we did when we first moved in. We prayed a prayer of protection over each and every room in our tiny little apartment. We never again felt the presence of evil and we could again sleep sweetly.

Several years after I had moved out of that apartment my dad told me a story. He said that when he went back up to make sure we didn’t forget anything as he was helping me move, he saw three demons laughing and going back into the apartment. They said, “Ha ha, we got it back!” It seems like a story that would take place in a third world country, but it happened right here in the USA. It is a story of God’s power over the evil one. Light does indeed overcome and overpower the darkness!

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #12

By: Judy Anne Casey


As a child from a big family I always loved answering the phone. This helped Mom and Dad and was fun for me. However, I never dreamed that the phone ringing would bring things into my mind even before I picked it up. Things that were usually very scary and always concerned my oldest brother, Chuck.

The first time this happened I was eight years old. The phone rang on a Saturday evening that was Prom night at our High School. I jumped up to answer it. Immediately I saw Chuck in his white jacket with red blood all over the front of it and lots more blood covering his face. I stagered, started sweating and pick up the phone. Yes, it was my brother calling Mom and Dad from the city Hospital. There had been a bad crash and he and his girl friend were hurt, the car was totally ruined but both of the kids survived. It scared me so much that I never told Mom and Dad. I thought there was something wrong with me but I didn't know how to deal with it at eight years old.

Ignoring this issue seemed ok until two years later when Chuck was in the Military on an out of State trip. He was due to arrive back to the Chicago airport very soon. Dad had already left to pick him up when the phone rang. I got up to answer the phone. Immediately in my mind I saw the plane flying around in a big circle above the airport. This time it was not Chuck calling but someone at the airport wanted the family to know that the plane could not land in Chicago due to a bad snow & ice storm. The plane had been flying in circles waiting to land and was running out of gas so it was sent to Indiana to land and the passengers were coming back to Illinois by bus. This scared me again and made me start thinking that whenever Chuck died I would know immediately. He and I could communicate by thought.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #11

by Cory Schmidt

It would be wonderful to sit down and say that my greatest experience with the spiritual realm was during a moment of worship. Unfortunately, that would be a lie. The situation that solidified my belief in a world unseen came to me in a moment of cursing God.

I was at a point in my life where my life seemed to be falling apart around me. It is funny how often that seems to happen to high school teens for such petty reasons, isn’t it? Anyway, I was depressed. The depression had started in a mild sadness after a break up (like I said, petty reasons) but it soon worsened with my realization that I lacked close friends around me who were deeply rooted in Christ. Don’t misunderstand, I had some great Christian friends, but I only got to see them once or twice a week at my church youth group or at a Sunday church service. This brought me into a feeling of perpetual sadness, achiness, and a constant exhaustion. In other words, I was now displaying many signs of clinical depression. If you are reading this and have been clinically depressed, you know it doesn’t necessarily take something absolutely traumatic to cause.

This feeling of loneliness moved me to continually pray to God that I could have at least one close friend that loved him at my school. I got impatient with God (not a good idea) and soon began writing angry letters to him in a journal that I owned. This continued for about a month in varying degrees of hostility until the day that all my anger just imploded at one time.

My church was having their annual drama called Sacred Storm which involves different situations of spiritual warfare where both demons and angels are seen by the audience influencing the cast of the drama. During this drama Jesus was present telling a character how much he loved them. I was sitting in the audience with tears streaming down my face while shouting “Liar!” in my head. It was after multiple rounds of screaming at him that I heard the faintest whisper in my head that said, “I love you.” This resulted in intensified crying and apologies to God, asking for forgiveness. I truly believe that other forces were present, screaming those lies in my head, but the truthful words were more powerful in the end.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #10

by Paul I. Allen

My true story of why I can never doubt the reality of the spirit world:

When I was nine years old, I lived with my mom, dad, and three younger siblings in an old house in Marysville, Indiana. One Sunday night on the way home from church, we talked about God and angels. When we arrived at the house, Dad parked the station-wagon in the driveway, and we all stood on one side looking up at the stars. There was more talk of angels, and I just happened to look behind me at the car.

Inside the car was lit. There was an old man sitting in the driver’s seat, hands on the wheel, eyes looking ahead. He had a full head of untamed white hair and wore glasses. I stared for a moment before turning to my dad, having difficulty breathing and unable to speak. When I could finally talk, I stuttered something about seeing an old man and pointed back to the now-dark car. My parents shushed me, and Dad and I went into a small bathroom in the house to talk privately while Mom rushed the other kids upstairs to bed.

I explained to Dad what I had seen, expecting him to be surprised, but he wasn’t even fazed. He explained that Mom had seen the old man in our house, going through their dresser drawers. Apparently, an old man had died in the house before we moved in. Dad and I talked about it, and he offered the comfort that God was always in charge and would protect us. I believe that with all my heart, but it was still difficult to continue living in that house.

Looking back, I don’t really know what I saw. I mean, the event is still clear in my mind. I saw an old man, but I don’t know who he was. Was it the old man’s spirit? Was it a demon posing as the old fellow to inspire fear? I won’t know for sure until heaven. One thing I do know: I have never doubted the reality of the spiritual realm. There is a world we cannot see. I take a great deal of comfort in the fact that the God who loves us knows about – created – and rules over all of our unknowns.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #9

Story by Sarah Scales

My story that I want to share occurred during my teen years. I was having a hard time with everything...friends, boys, school, being different from the other teens as a Christian, etc. I was laying in bed praying one evening - just sharing my heartaches with my heavenly Daddy. I felt two big warm arms go around me in a wonderful, calming, comforting hug! It sounds so simple as I'm writing this, but was so awesome! It meant so much to me at that time and now. God cared for me in my teenage turmoil, which as I look back wasn't anything that unusual for a teenager. And so it helps me remember that He cares for me now as a married woman of 10 years with four kids ages 6 to 1. My challenges & heartaches now a wife, a mom, as I home school my older two kids, as a friend who is lonely after a recent move... aren't that unusual but God is still always here for me and reaches out to comfort me. I wouldn't mind another one of His hugs right now!

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #8

By Suzanne Schaffer

My spiritual story could also be my entire life story. God wooed my family to Himself when I was a little girl. He has kept me in His hands ever since.

We moved into a house when I was five years old, shortly thereafter I began to see things in my bedroom. Barney Rubble ran up and down my bed, a little red snake wiggled along my bedposts, figures in my doorway watched me while I tried to sleep. My mother didn't know what to do and asked a Christian friend. That friend taught her how to rebuke Satan and plead the blood of Jesus. Those little demons left and quit bothering me.

Twenty years later my parents moved out of that house and sold it to a young single woman. Months later they saw her at a wedding and she asked them if they'd ever had a problem with ghosts. She explained that she'd see a cowboy-type man walking up and down the stairs. When my mother explained to her what it was the woman asked if my mom would come over and get rid of it. My mother explained that it doesn't work that way, that she'd have to be the one to do it and that only would come with a belief in Christ.

We came to learn that demons are territorial. They came back after the covering of Christ was gone. I've always found that interesting. I thank God for His covering and for wooing us to Him. Satan must have known that God had plans for my life. My husband and I have been in full time ministry for 18 years.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #7

Amber McCallister

My story:

When I was a young girl, I used to get sick a lot with head colds that would go to a sore throat and eventually into an earache. This cycle happened a lot to the point where I lost hearing in my right ear. My parents thought I was being silly and making it up, but they soon found out that it was true. They took me to a hearing specialist, who told them that what I was telling them was true. One night when one of my earaches had gotten especially bad, my parents were watching the 700 Club on TV that evening. I had already went to bed when Pat Robertson had a work of knowledge that a little girl, who was having a lot of earaches was being touched by God, and my parents claimed that for me. The next my parents knew, I was coming into the living room crying because my ear had "leaked" down my neck and onto my bed sheets. I also said that the pain in my ear was gone, and I felt better. After my parents cleaned me up, I went back to bed.

The next morning, they took me to the ear specialist, and he confirmed what my dad guessed had happened. My eardrum had ruptured that night. Everything that had been building up and was making my ear hurt was now gone. This didn't amaze him in itself. What he said next amazed everyone in the room. He asked my dad if he had given me any of the medication that he had prescribed if my cold and earache had gotten any better. My dad said no because I hadn't gotten any better since he gave us the prescription. The next words out of his mouth were "God is good". He said after my eardrum ruptured, I should have been deaf in that ear, but instead a thin film had grown over my ear drum. The doctor was astounded, and so were my parents.

From this miracle, I am able to hear in my right ear today. My dad has no doubts that this was from God, and he gave Him the glory for this miracle. I praise Him everyday for it. I know what He is capable of doing, and I thank Him for the everyday miracles that I see throughout my life as well.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #6

Keeping an Ear to the Ceiling
By Mike Duran

I’m an ordained Protestant minister and, for eleven years, served full-time in the pastorate. During that time, I encountered many strange and wonderful things – things that no amount of training, explaining, or theological juggling could prepare me for. Like the time a young couple approached me after church and confessed they had a ghost on their ceiling.

My first reaction – as I think most church-goers’ would be – was one of skepticism. However, there was one thing that kept me from blowing them off: they seemed totally normal and utterly sincere! Which presented a problem. How exactly does one deal with a ghost. . . or, at least, people who supposedly saw one? Especially when they claim to be believers?

After spending enough time with the couple to know they weren’t pranksters, devil worshipers or bloomin’ mad, I went to the house. It sat on a large piece of property in the middle of a grove of gnarled olive trees. A normal house, by all appearance: no black cats or levitating beds. But old. They led me the room in question. It was partly below ground, like a cellar, which probably had to do with the slight temperature drop, and had a single window that, according to them, was one day entirely covered by horseflies. In this room, on several occasions, they had seen an apparition — a woman in a gown hovering on the ceiling, staring down at their bed. I glanced at that ceiling and gripped my Bible as if it were a life preserver, but the mystery girl did not materialize.

What happened? Nothing.

Like a good pastor, I grilled the couple as to whether or not they were doing something that might invite evil: holding séances, consulting Ouija boards, or distilling moonshine. I quizzed them about the history of the house. Had anyone died there or been murdered? When all the answers came back negative, I walked through each room with the couple, quietly praying and asking God to banish whatever entities might be lingering.

For whatever reasons, the couple reported that after that event, the visitations ceased. I’m not sure I can claim any special powers, nor am I any closer to explaining exactly what was occurring. Nevertheless, reports like that have forced me to embrace a more supernatural worldview and keep an ear to the ceiling.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #5

Story by Connie V. Akpan

I’ve always enjoyed rainy Sundays. After church, my family and I would quickly sit down to one of my moms delicious meals because mom, being old school would prepare most of the meal the day before, or put a roast in the oven right before leaving for church.

On this particular cold Sunday, two of my four sisters and I decided we’d go for a walk in the light rain. Although it had started to clear up, we still enjoyed the thought of splashing puddles on the city sidewalks while Rhea mimicked the lady who sang like a chicken at church. Once the three of us reached the corner of our house, our attention was immediately drawn to the other side of the busy street.

My little sister Terrye, spoke first as she pointed to the poorly dressed man hunched over a wet table at the closed donut shop.

“What’s that man doing over there?” she asked. We found ourselves grabbing her hand and crossing the busy street.

There was a slight hesitation before approaching him. Not out of fear but respect. Once there, Terry screamed,

“He don’t have on any shoes!”

My big sister Rhea suggested we run home, and bring him a blanket and a plate of moms food. “Momma won’t know, cuz she’s at grandma’s.” We did just that. Roast beef and gravy, rice, greens, yams, cornbread and a big piece of chocolate cake. His eyes danced as he ate in silence. Rhea and I said nothing—only smiled as we watched him eat. Terry giggled as if his eyes told her a private joke.

Later, Terry blabbed the whole event to my folks over dessert. My dad stood up shocked. “I saw him too—gave him $10.00.”

My mom, said, “I saw him too—gave him all I had, about five bucks!”

My brother, who had just walked in said, “I just gave him my spare work boots!” We all jumped up and ran to the corner to see what else we could do for the man. He was gone—nowhere to be seen—which was impossible unless he had just been picked up by car. As we walked back, talking about the event, my little sister kept looking up in the sky, laughing.

“What you lookin at, girl?” I asked her. She squinted her eyes and pointed to the bright blue sky.

“The man.”
For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #4

Story by Colleen Kendzierski

Shortly after my dad passed away, I was laying on my couch when one of my cats jumped up and ran to the corner of the room, where there was a pile of magazines and newspapers I intended to read and dispose of. I was still mourning and hadn’t returned to the everyday routine stuff. Tigger stood facing that corner, ears back, tail stiffened, hissing like no one’s business, then settled down and rolled onto his back.

After my initial alarm, I realized what was happening and laughed, announcing, “Don’t worry, Dad, I’ll get rid of that pile!” That was one of his pet peeves. Whenever he’d come visit, I hid the magazines I hadn’t read so he wouldn’t see them. He’d been sick for months and died at Hospice, so he hadn’t been to visit for a while, and I got lazy.

Tigger loved Dad, too, and would often roll over, allowing him to rub his belly. Apparently, he still allowed that from beyond! Once I knew Dad was still with me, I looked forward to his visits.

Every once in a while, I would smell his favorite tobacco. If I was home, I knew there was no explanation but that he was visiting. One night, I felt my mattress shift like someone sat down and smelled that wonderful scent, which I’d hated when he was alive but had come to enjoy since he’d left us. I had a nice one-sided conversation with him about things going on in my life. The next morning, Mom called to report that the night before, my beloved Aunt Dorothy had died. When I told her about my experience, we felt he had come to take his only living sibling back home with him.

I’ve had visits from Dad in public places, most memorably at a lakefront ice cream shoppe we’d frequented. While deciding what to order, I smelled that tobacco, looked around, and saw no one smoking, even asking the gentleman in front of me if he could smell it. He looked at me like I was insane, giving me an adamant, “NO!” I believe I had my dad’s favorite ice cream that day!

I recently began attending a new church, much different than the Catholic one I was raised in. During last week’s sermon, sure enough, I smelled that tobacco! I believe Dad has accepted my new church and no longer feel guilty about not attending his church!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #3

Story by Walter WAYN Cannefax

My wife Victoria died 12/12/2006 unexpectedly about 7 hours after our daughter Isabella Sophia was born 12/11/2006. Our 7 year wedding anniversary was to be celebrated 1/29/2007. We had spent the last 5 years of our marriage hoping but not knowing if we would ever become pregnant. The conception and subsequent development of our daughter in the womb was such a wonder and blessing from God. I do not know if anything blurs the lines between spiritual and physical realitiies more than the power of love expressed through sexual union in marriage and the creation of life through the Spirit of God! I had no inkling of the possibility that I would be confronted with the opposite extreme in the dichotomy of life and death that shatters the veil between spirit and flesh. After much loss of blood and other complicating circumstances that only God knows the full mystery and reason - I found myself going from the pure ecstasy and joy of gazing at the face of my newborn daughter to the incomprehensible horror of seeing my wife's eyes void of the beauty and power of her indomitable spirit! In the midst of these incredible events, and many others past and continuing to unfold presently through the wrinkles in time in which I live - I AM NOT ABANDONED!!! I have felt the prescense of Jesus weeping and my wife's love through the Holy Spirit!! I do not know what the future holds and can only live in the moment without answers crying out to God for the strength to trust! My 3 1/2 year old daughter looks at a picture of my wife and asks "Where does mommy live?" I knew the question would come and I pause in a moment of shock before I say the only thing I can honestly say from my heart "She lives with God in heaven." And our daughter smiles and says "That's good."


For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural #2

Story by Caitlyn Lutz
The past few years God has been taking me on a journey to discover what he can do when his children seek his face and dare to believe that they will do "greater things." (John 14:12) I've seen dozens of healings and hundreds of prophecies, all pointing toward the indisputable fact that God is alive and loves to touch people. I haven't seen a resurrection yet, but I've heard plenty of stories and I pray to see one soon.

One of the most amazing things I saw happened at a multichurch youth gathering a couple of years ago. The speaker, Chad, called for someone with chronic back pain to go forward, so Robin, one of my church's youth leaders, went towards the stage. A few kids, ages nine to twelve, laid hands on her and began praying for healing while Chad continued preaching. He told the story of a woman who had one leg shorter than the other, and immediately after prayer the leg grew out.

When Chad asked Robin a few minutes later how her back was doing, she responded, "It's all healed now...but you know, one of my legs is shorter than the other!" Chad laughed and said to the crowd, "Gather round if you want to see a leg grow out!" I bounded out of my seat and was at the front of the crowd that pressed around Robin. Chad asked her to sit on the edge of the stage and extend both legs. We could clearly see that the right leg was several inches shorter than the left.

Chad's prayer was short and powerful: "In the name of Jesus we command this leg to grow out!" Right in front of my eyes Robin's right leg grew out-several inches longer than the other! We all laughed in delight. Jesus was playing with us! Chad said, "I guess we prayed a little too the name of Jesus we command this leg to go back!" and it immediately retracted until it was lined up perfectly with the other.

Robin stood up and tested it, than began to cry. For the first time in years she could stand perfectly balanced on both feet.

All glory to God, who loves his children enough to heal them-and play with them!

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Why I believe in the Supernatural, Entry #1
Story by Reuben Horst
I've been raised as a christian and have had parents that were christians who had parents who were christians. The long list of christians on both sides of my family goes on a long way. To tell the truth, I do not know when it started. I do know that one of my great-grandfathers, or great-great-grandfathers, a man with I believe the same first name and last name as me (unless I'm thinking of the wrong side of my family), had to flee Germany during one of the World Wars because he was a christian.

At the age of two and a half, my family moved to Menno Haven Camp and Retreat Center near Tiskilwa, IL. During the nine years that my dad worked there, I had plenty of experience with God at this summer camp that I still go to every year.

It was when I was eight, I believe, when I was out in the field next to a wooden cross while my home-schooling group was doing the low-ropes course in the woods nearby (I was too young then), that I realized just how powerful God was. He created the entire universe from scratch. He created time itself. I was amazed at the revelation that I always knew but never really thought about.

Another time that effected my spiritual world was sometime later. Probably when I was about ten. Me and my dad were doing a special for our church, me on keyboards, my dad on guitar. It was a song called "You Are My Son", and it was the only good song on the whole album that my dad had from a band called Scarecrow and Tinmen. When we were just practicing around for it one day, my dad was sometimes singing, on and off. We were just practicing the instrumental parts, you know. Then we got to the chorus:

I love you my son
I love you my son
And I want to tell you that you’re on my mind
The funny things you say and do I love
I love that you’re mine

I know your name and I weep when you hurt
And I cheer when you win
Because you are my son
I will come when you callI will hear your prayers
And I will fight for my name
Because you are my Son
You are my son

My dad was singing. I looked back at him, expecting to see him singing, but he wasn't. I only looked back for a moment, so I thought my eyes or ears might've played a trick on my, but I thought hardly of it.

It was when I looked back at what happened later that say, that I realized that it must have been God singing. He sounded like my dad, and was singing when my dad should have been singing, but wasn't. What made me sure was that it was during the chorus of the song, which is first person from the point of view of God, whereas the versus are from the point of view of me, or anyone else listening to the song.

I still find it hard to believe that God sang to me that day. It seemed so weird that sometimes, actually quite frequently, I wonder if it really happened. I only looked back at my dad for a moment, it could just be a trick in my mind. But then again, maybe God was the one who put the trick there in the first place!

But anyway, over time I started reading books by christian authors and my amazement of God continued. It still does.

Over time things have gotten in between God and me, such as depression, pornography, and all of the rest of the usual temptations and barriers for teenagers. I'm actually currently not on talking terms with God, but I hope someday I return and have a feast with him.

God is good. God is actually great. God is actually totally wonderful and awesome. There's enough evidence to fill the universe. In fact, the universe itself is evidence. I love God, and there is nothing that will ever completely take away that love.

Praise God!
For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

Angel Wings.JPG

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And the Winners Are...

Congratulations to all who won a copy of Never Let You Go:

Ezeokeke Pearl Ijeoma
Curtis Watson
Lori Quick
Novoyuky R. Ramirez
Kathy Brasby
Evan Morgan
Amber McCallister
Steena Holmes
Ashley Ziemer
Christopher Craven
Reuben Horst
Renn Shearin
Tim Gilley
David Iseminger II
Laurie Piel
Kalie Grimplin
Brian Coultrup
Justin pear
Andrew Asdell
Devin Berglund
Rikki Lee
Bianca Flatman
Andrew Asdell
Joel Davis
David Peck
Jeanne Haring
Erica Smith
Josie Siler
Danyalle Youngers
Penny Abel

Thank you to everyone who participated. We had a lot of entries, unfortunately some were disqualified due to missing shipping addresses in the emails. Don't fret, there will be other contests in the near future. Books will ship from the publisher in two to three weeks. Happy reading!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Erin Healy is giving away 100 signed copies of her new novel, NEVER LET YOU GO. See below for all the ways you can win!

(1) Comment on Erin's Novels

If you have read KISS, BURN, or an advance copy of NEVER LET YOU GO, leave an appropriate public comment regarding any of these books on Erin's website ( Then send an email to with “comment posted on website” in the subject line and your shipping address in the body. Be entered to win once for each book on which you comment.

(2) Chat up Erin's New Book on Your Social Media Pages

Twitter or post a status update to your personal social media encouraging people to read the first three chapters of NLYG at Erin's website ( After you Twitter or post, do a print screen of your update and copy it into an email, then send it to with "status update" in the subject line and your shipping address in the body. Be entered to win once for each day that you post a new update.

(3) Tell Your Facebook Friends to Become Erin's Fans

Suggest Erin's Facebook fan page to your Facebook friends. When you see that they have become a fan of Erin's page (it will post on your wall), do a screen print of each friend you suggested, then send it to with “new facebook fan!” in the subject line and your shipping address in the body. Be entered to win once for each of your friends who becomes a fan.

Rules: Contest begins at midnight April 1, 2010 and ends at 11:59 pm April 7, 2010. Proof of participation must be sent to and must include a shipping address in order to be entered into the drawing. These shipping addresses will be kept private and will not be used or distributed for any purpose except to mail books to winners. Enter as many times as you like within the guidlines posted above. Have fun!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Believing Impossible Things

As for believing "six impossible things before breakfast," it does make a difference who's doing the believing, don't you think? It was not Alice's father (per Tim Burton's film), nor Alice, nor (by some accounts) the Red Queen, but the White Queen who first "practiced" such believing.

Some impossible things I believe:

1. Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
2. God loves me. And you.
3. People can change for the better.
4. Forgiveness is the best option.
5. This world isn't ALL of reality.
6. Hope will not disappoint us (Romans 5:1-5).
What impossible things do you believe?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Education

What I’ve Learned About Writing From Being an Editor
1. The best kind of storytelling is one part craft and two parts mystery.
2. First drafts always stink.
3. Insecurity is inevitable.
4. The editorial process was not modeled after Dante’s Inferno.
5. Rome really wasn’t built in a day. Or by one brilliant person.
6. The longer an error lives, the harder it is to kill.
7. Everyone has an opinion.

What I’ve Learned About Editing From Being a Writer
1. There is no such thing as too much affirmation.
2. There is such a thing as too much information.
3. When it comes to perceptions, the editor usually has better eyesight.
4. Truth needs telling most when it’s likely to hurt most.
5. Really good editors sweat as much as their best authors do.
6. Wrestling is good for everyone.
7. It’s all about the reader.