Monday, August 30, 2010

Why I Believe in the Supernatural #18

By Suzanne Simpson
Jason, do you remember the missing straight pin? You were 5 , your sister and brother were 3 and 2 years old.

I had used it to hang something on the wall. Why did I do that? Not very bright, I know. You needed whatever “it” was and pulled it from the wall. The pin was gone. I was ticked and didn't want to find it via the bottom of my foot. I scolded you lightly and told you to find it. We all looked. It did not show up. After all it was pretty small and there was a lot of area to look around. I decided to put the responsibility on you and God. I told you that you needed to pray and ask God to show you where it was. We all prayed and you asked God to show you where it was. Amen!

"God said it was in the toy box. I need to empty everything out. He's pointing into the corner." You said.

I helped you to carefully pull most of the toys out of the box. I even pushed stuff around for a clear view. It was not there, I looked.

"Mom, God said to take everything out." You said.

"Well, Jason, this is your problem. If God said ... then you do what he said." I walked away to let him handle this. I didn't want to get frustrated, I wanted God to show himself to this boy. Someday he would need to remember this story.

"Mom! Mom! I found it! I took everything out of the box like God said and there it was lying in the corner, right where He was pointing!" You shouted while running to find me and show off your treasure .

Love, your mom, Suzanne

I kept this trophy of yours. Priceless!

Another proof that God speaks to you and you know how to hear his voice.

For her birthday this year, Erin asked readers to send her their personal tales of why they believe in a supernatural world. A couple times a week, some of those submissions will appear here as a series. All stories appear with the author’s permission. We encourage you to comment on the stories and to continue sharing your own! Stories can be posted on Erin’s Facebook Fan Page or as comments on her Blog. Join the discussion!

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